Monday, January 20, 2014

Learn How To Live Abundantly - eCourses

This post may contain affiliate links.
If your interested in couponing along with other ways to save money I've partnered up with SavingsAngel to bring you 90-Days to Abundance!

For a very limited time you can become part of the SavingsAngel Founders Club for $39 with coupon code NEWYEAR.

This will give you Ten eCourses to help you save from Grocery Savings (includes Eating Healthy/Organic on a Budget), Managing Your Pantry, Travel Savings, Utility Savings and More!!

If your not interested in spending $39, then you can also pick and choose eCourses that you'd like to see for $5....

Since I don't have time to offer coupon classes in person this is a great way to learn at your own pace on your own time!

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